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Relationship with the Church

Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum is an independent institution of higher learning.  We have no legal affiliation or legal relationship with the Roman Catholic Church.

We do, however, have a cordial relationship with the archdiocese, which has assured the local foundation providing significant support to The Collegium, that the archdiocese has no objection to our opening.


We do also pledge full and unswerving fidelity to the unchanging magisterium of the Catholic Church, and we recognize both the authority and the responsibility of the local Ordinary to assure that anything taught in his diocese that relates to the Catholic faith is taught in accord with the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church.  Out of respect for this authority and responsibility, the Collegium will submit the syllabus of each of its courses to the local Ordinary, so that he can be assured that everything taught at the Collegium is in accord with the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church.

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